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Show Policies/Code of Conduct

A game on every table, a table for everyone.

Origins Game Fair would like to assure our attendees that we are committed to the safety of every person at the show. We have created a convention code of conduct policy that fosters a safe and welcome space for all.

We have implemented a policy where every volunteer will be subject to a background check before being allowed to participate in our program.

We have contracted with a counseling professional to train our staff how to respond to any inappropriate behavior by those attending this year’s Origins Game Fair.


By accepting and using an Origins Game Fair badge, the holder hereby consents that the photographs, videos, or audio recordings for which they are the subject, taken at Origins Game Fair, may be used by The Game Manufaturers Association (GAMA) for Origins Game Fair and GAMA promotions and communications.

Holder also hereby: (I) releases GAMA from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim or course of action of any kind; (II) agrees to adhere to Origins Game Fair policies and conduct themselves in a respectful manner as a participant of the show.

Origins Game Fair event management reserves the right to deny entry or remove from the show/event facilities (including, but not limited to: hotels, event spaces, and other areas under show contract) any person, under the Origins Game Fair event management’s sole and absolute discretion, who is behaving, or threatening to behave, in a manner that is threatening to the health and safety of show participants or disruptive to the show.


We do not tolerate harassment of convention participants in any form. Convention participants reported or caught violating this policy may be expelled without refund at the discretion of show management.

Harassment is any unwanted contact, which includes (but is not limited to): physical or verbal threats; unwelcome attention; stalking; unwanted photography or recording; offensive behavior; use of physical force; behavior that creates a disturbance or is dangerous; using sexually explicit or offensive language or conduct; excessive profanity; obscene gestures; use of racial, religious, sexual, political, gender, ability, ethnic slurs, or any other targeted comments which are intended to cause personal offense to another Origins participant, either in-person at the event or through social media channels.

If a person tells you “no,” you are expected to desist immediately.


  • “No” means no.

  • “Stop” means stop.

  • “Go away” means go away.

  • Attire is not consent.

Individuals finding themselves in a situation where they feel their safety is at risk or who become aware of an attendee not in compliance with show policies should immediately locate the nearest Security Guard, Origins Volunteer, or Staff Member, so that the matter can be handled promptly. If none of these individuals are nearby, visit the Security Desk.

If, at any point, you feel like your personal safety or that of others is put in jeopardy, please contact the Columbus Police Department at 614-645-4545 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency).

Costume and Weapons

Uniforms of current active service members are not allowed as costumes. These include uniforms for the police, active military, security guards, deputies, fire marshals, paramedics, etc.

No real weapons or functional props are allowed at Origins. All weapon replicas must be cleared by convention security and peace bonded to indicate that the items are safe and have been inspected. Once we have zip-tied your item, you are not permitted to remove it. Security will have zip ties on hand at the show. Visit the Security Office directly outside of the Exhibit Hall in the Main Concourse to peace-bond your item.


Service animals are allowed in the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Service animals are defined as animals that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.


Security is provided by off-duty law enforcement personnel, professional security guards, and Origins security staff. All security personnel serve to ensure that everyone is safe and has an enjoyable experience at the show.

Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Substances

Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages outside of authorized areas prohibited. Illegal substances at Origins will not be tolerated. Violators will be asked to leave the building and charges may be filed for prosecution.


Smoking, including the use of electronic smoking devices, is not allowed inside any of the convention facilities, including public areas and participating hotels. Smoking and the use of electronic smoking devices is allowed outside in designated smoking areas. Cigarette butt litter is a hazard to the environment. Please do your part to keep Columbus clean and dispose of your trash in the proper receptacles.


Advertisement during Origins must be approved and cleared by Origins staff. Any unauthorized flyers, posters, or advertisements of any kind placed in or around the convention center, including hotels, will be removed and you may be asked to leave the show. Your badge will be revoked, and you will not receive a refund.